Has anyone else wept for the blooming jonquils or the ten people shot in Colorado a few days ago?
They take my breath away as I drive into Arkansas: random patches of blooms out in pastures where once a family homesteaded.
Or the eight killed in Georgia last week?
Someone planted these lovely yellow flowers long ago. Sometimes you find them deep in the woods with maybe a few rocks from an old foundation.
We average 100 people killed by guns in this country every day: suicides mainly, but also deranged spouses, kids, criminals and plain crazy people.
Maybe these random spring blossoms were planted in anticipation of these senseless killings. Some have spread over an acre or more.
The Missouri legislature is now considering legislation basically to allow people to carry a gun anywhere they choose. Even bars.
Last year we set a record: 689 Missourians killed by guns in 2020 according to the Kansas City Star.
Maybe the legislature could fund more planting of wildflowers along the road to distract drivers from the news. Just watch out for the occasional sniper pissed off at the government or high prices or cops or whatever.
You never know when your neighbor may bring you an AK47, .3030, or AR15 bouquet.